A downloadable game for Windows

NOMAD is a node-based-gun-building, sewer crawler and is the precursor to an upcoming title. I used this jam to push myself to build the gun crafting aspect of the game. Everything was built within the jam timeframe, Megascans materials were used on the environment. This jam title does not reflect the quality of the future title and is also not called NOMAD.

FYI - AMPS are the only nodes that generate numbers, all other nodes are manipulators.

Trigger - fire rate

Barrel - spread

Slide - unused and won't have any effect

Grip - curl pattern

I wanted to do more with the modules and create more options and experiment more with them but I ran out of time. I'll drop a new build once  the jam results are in.


NOMAD.zip 657 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run NOMAD.exe

IF it doesn't run for some reason rename it to AsAboveSoBelow.exe

Use AMPS in the gun builder to generate number values.

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